David82, Como resumen a lo ya posteado.
Lo que viene a decirme es que en octubre se fabricaron una serie de tapas cambiando el material y en algunas se observaron tolerancias semanas después.
Solicitaron a todos los distribuidores que eliminasen de sus stocks todas las tapas defectuosas. (pero parece que no lo han hecho visto lo visto)
Me dijo que deberia hablar con mi suministrador local para que me cambiase la tapa por una nueva con el nuevo material.
Ahora en el email que pongo aquí, me dice que no, que detectaron el fallo en las tapas en febrero y que hasta dentro de 3 meses no van a tener localmente disponibles las nuevas tapas, pero que me manda unas nuevas por email a la dirección que le diga.
Vamos, que se van enterando por las reclamaciones de los usuarios.
Sobre la fecha de fabricación, la tapa tiene impresa la fecha de fabricación.
Les voy a mandar mi dirección a ver lo que me mandan.
Stages Cycling Support Agregar a contactos 6:43 Marcar este mensaje
Hi Enecoj,
I definitely apologize for any impact this has had on your training right now. I understand, and can imagine how I would feel if I were not able to get in the kind of workouts I am targeting right now as well.
While your shop may have received those doors in January, they were produced in October, as indicated by the date code on the inside of the door. We only discovered this issue at the beginning of February, so any shipments your shop had received in January had not yet been checked for this issue.
For the first three months after these changes, we had seen perfect performance to the new design, and have acted to respond to this as quickly as possible. We have addressed this possibility in our production, and all doors produced before the date we discovered this have been checked, with all of those falling outside of the given tolerance being removed from the supply.
Based on the information about what kinds of symptoms can arise from the affected doors, and what you are experiencing, I think this is the most likely cause. If it would be more convenient for you, I would be more than arrange a direct shipment of quality checked doors to you from the distributor in the EU. I would simply need the best mailing address for you.
Thanks again for your understanding. Please let me know if arranging this shipment to you would be acceptable, and your address if so.